About me

Work hard, play hard, create value.

I have been an engineer and an entrepreneur throughout my entire professional life. I delight in creating value for my customers and stakeholders.

I work hard, I play hard, and I love creating things.


I have always appreciated the beauty of engineering and technology: creating, improving, making efficient and productive.

I am most content when I can combine my passion for engineering with value creation.

Chief of Everything

Mostly by accident I developed a niche as an expert COE – Chief of Everything.

I did not invent this concept, but once I stumbled upon it, I immediately understood its significance, and I decided to study it more deeply. I have been a COE, as have many of my clients.

A COE is a professional on a mission, but with no team to rely on. They have to do everything themselves, from strategy and planning to design and implementation, sales and finances and, well, everything. It results in a different worldview, a different way of working. With the technologies now available to us, I believe that the concept is becoming more relevant than ever.

Learn more at the COEz.one.

The photo is a newspaper clipping of me playing for our regional team in Tokachi, Hokkaido during a qualifying match for the Japan national championship. We qualified, but the tournament was cancelled due to COVID.

A lifelong expat

I grew up in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, but have lived most of my life in Quebec, France, and Japan. I have always had the good fortune of being surrounded with brilliant and talented people from all around the globe. This has allowed me to accelerate my own growth and gain valuable business and technical experience.

I am fond of playing hockey with my son. In fact, that is one of the reasons why we moved from Kobe to Hokkaido when the pandemic started. As a Canadian, I grew up with hockey. I played competitively until the age of 17. After a more than 30-year hiatus, I am having a ball (puck?) playing on four different teams in the Tokachi area.

I am looking for new opportunities to share my deep entrepreneurial experiences and love of engineering.

I am available for hire as a CTO.

Don't be shy!

By the way, I coded and deployed this website myself. I can't help it. I am a tech addict.